Monday, August 23, 2010

New Beginnings

Looking back over the past several months, I've noticed that I had COMPLETELY let my attention to my former blog slide. It's never too late for a new beginning, right? :)

It's been so long since I've updated my blog that I decided to delete my old posts and start all over from scratch. Though I only know of one lone reader of mine (Hi, Sissy!)...and to be honest, even SHE'S probably given up on me by now...I decided to get a fresh start. What better way to do that than with some introductions, huh?

Three Men and a Lady

Don't be deceived...we look shockingly normal in this picture. Nothing could be further from the truth! We're four of the goofiest, strangest, oddest people you'll ever have the privilege to meet (and that includes the baby!)

The Hubs and Momma D

The Hubs is my wonderful husband, B. The Hubs and I have been married for over 9 years. He is my best friend in the whole world, and I'm privileged to get to spend my life with him. When he's not spending time with the kids or with me, he's either working (he's a manager at an entertainment store) or bonding with his beloved XBOX 360. He likes Oreos, orange Sunkist, Mexican restaurants, and movies.

Now on to Momma D (that's me!) I work in payroll for a small, midwestern private university, and I love every minute of it. When I'm not tending to my family, I enjoy bargain-hunting, reading, checking out various blogs, and cake decorating. I like pretzel-flavored crackers, Cherry Coke (though I'm trying to cut waaaaayyyy back on it), those same Mexican restaurants, and the Food Network.

Together, The Hubs and I homeschool our oldest son (not always an easy task when you both work full-time, but it's important to us, so we make it happen), entertaining young people who have graduated from our church's youth group, singing (both of us) and/or playing keyboard (me) in our church's praise band, and playing a variety of board/video games (i.e., SceneIt, Trivial Pursuit, and Guitar Hero...and any game in which I can hold my own against The Hubs!) :)

Bean & Dubs

Bean is our seven-year-old son, J. Energetic, goofy, and sensitive, Bean is definitely his father's child. He enjoys Star Wars, Legos, video games (thanks to The Hubs), Pop Tarts, and his beloved bunny rabbit, Whiskers.

Dubs is our one-year-old son, O. Brooding, moody, and stubborn, Dubs is definitely his mother's child. He enjoys Sesame Street, bouncy balls, making messes, virtually all carbohydrates, and long afternoon naps (and I'm not gonna lie...Momma likes those, too!)

The Bubs (as the kids are collectively referred to around the homestead) enjoy playing together, singing, dancing, and, yes...those same Mexican restaurants.

So, that's pretty much it in the way of introductions! Come along, take my hand, and walk with me through this crazy journey we call life!

This is probably my favorite picture of us, because it focuses on what's truly important in life...SHOES! (j/k!)

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